
Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.
Is it really free?
Yes, if your team is small, then Academy Kit is free for you for a lifetime. You may download and use it within your premises with your own resources.
How many users can the free version accommodate?
Currently, the free version can support up to 20 users. If you require the involvement of more people, you'll need to upgrade your plan.
How is data security and privacy ensured within Academy Kit LMS?
Academy Kit takes data security and privacy seriously. The platform implements industry-standard security measures to protect user data and ensure privacy. This includes encryption of sensitive information, secure data storage practices, regular system updates to address vulnerabilities, and compliance with relevant data protection regulations.
What kind of support does Academy Kit LMS offer?
Academy Kit LMS provides comprehensive support resources, including documentation, tutorials, and customer support channels such as email and phone. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that you have the assistance you need to maximize the benefits of our platform.
How does billing work?
Our billing operates on an annual basis, with additional charges for optional services such as deployment assistance, and customization. For detailed pricing information, please visit our prices page.
Can you provide technical support?
Yes, if you need any assistance installing our software, we can help. Please contact us at
Can I customize Academy Kit to fit my branding?
Yes, Academy Kit offers extensive customization options, allowing you to personalize the platform to align with your organization's branding and unique requirements. From logo integration to color schemes, you can create a cohesive learning environment that reflects your brand identity.
Is Academy Kit suitable for my organization?
Academy Kit caters to a diverse range of users, including educational institutions, corporations, individual educators, and trainers. Whether you're managing a large-scale training program or a single course, Academy Kit offers the flexibility and scalability to meet your organization's needs.
How easy is it to set up Academy Kit on My server?
Setting up Academy Kit LMS is straightforward and intuitive, with step-by-step instructions provided in our documentation. You can simply download and deploy on your server. Our support team is also available to assist you with any questions or issues you may encounter during the setup process.
What kind of analytics and reporting does Academy Kit provide?
Academy Kit LMS offers robust analytics and reporting tools, allowing you to track learner progress, course engagement, and performance metrics. Customizable dashboards and detailed reports provide valuable insights to inform decision-making and optimize learning outcomes.

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